Saturday, December 17, 2011

Scarcity! Bah Humbug!

          Wasn't it Dickens who called our attention to the poverty of body and spirit? His metaphors for scarcity were vulnerable and powerless children.

"This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased." <>

       We may feel like children in an impoverished and stratified society helpless and without resources living in a corporal world where feelings of scarcity control and manipulate; and, so influence want and fear. But in God's world, there is no scarcity because there is always enough for us all.

      There can be a scarcity of water, of vaccine, of medications,  of diamonds and gold.  Without scarcity how do we value our needs and wants? Some might say controlling utilities by cost maintains poverty; controlling   food by cost contributes to poverty; controlling space manipulates racism and other isms of injustice.

      Scarcity seems essential in valuing things and in creating demand. We do value our time and talents and decisions are made attaching a dollar amount to a service or an item. Scarcity or thinking-scarcity forces choices which are not necessarily a bad thing as long as scarcity is recognized for what it is and for what it is not.

     Whether for Economics or Trade or Stewardship, scarcity is also opportunity in another form. We are not without because we are not helpless, powerless, or ignorant. Our gifts were freely given to us for us to pass on. The 'Doom' to which Dickens refers is within our control; we have choices to re-frame scarcity and act with generosity illuminating the metaphors of ignorance and want and eliminating  the fear of not enough.

Scarcity! Bah Humbug!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

           The daughter of a Presbyterian minister, one of my grandmother's favorite songs was Jesus Loves Me. She was a resonant alto and would drop into harmony. I remember singing with her riding in her Oldsmobile. She had the right idea- to remember that Jesus loves us; that  Stewardship is about remembering that  Jesus loves us; so then, it is about what we do with that love.
          Love, the inside-out kind of love, is perceived then shared with others. At that time , a funny thing can happen because we experience something much bigger than ourselves and we are changed.  Maybe Stewardship really is about us after all rather than about what we do for another.  We seem to need such experiences so our change leads to ministry and to knowing that we contribute and that our contribution is important. God's love for us is generous; there is no scarcity of love and we are free to pass it on so it will come back to us.