Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Souper Bowl of Caring - THIS SUNDAY!

In the years I served in a parish with a soup kitchen, we were so, so grateful for the check that came in, regularly every winter. A youth group in a nearby parish collected donations, every Super Bowl Sunday, and the 100+ hungry people we fed each day were the recipients.

Let's be generous again this year, with our Souper Bowl donations from St. David's. There are more hungry people than ever.

Social Media

In a world full of chatter, seek out what matters.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tolling of the Bells...

"...therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."
John Donn 1624

It is said Beethoven loved to hear the bells ring. The beauty of that sound is missing in contemporary time; more like the sound of Gershwin's An American in Paris-not such a bad sound but not the sound of calling folks together.

Today we hear sirens, horns, mechanical chimes, whistles; and, not many bells to remind us to pray, to warn of danger, to tell the time of day, or to celebrate. One of the surprising things about looking around is seeing how much we do and how generous this congregation is and in how many ways we are generous.

John Donn's rich Meditation is one of social justice and connectivity. There is a recognition that we are all one and interdependent. We need each other. What benefit is there if we do not reach out to others perhaps even to those we do not like-at all? It is the richness of our internal life that suffers if we do not and the richness that is gained when we do, surprising with the benefits of complexity and human need.

Although Donn's bells were of funeral bells -a different calling-bells call us to each other and to notice, to be aware, to understand, and to do for another making all stronger and pushing us forward into agape.

Look around you; read the Outreach Page; Stop and read the Bulletin Boards; Send a post card; volunteer, smile  and recognize all that we are.

UTO, St. David's Court, Souper Bowl, Heifer Project, COTA, Garage Sale, El Salvador,  Springfield Garden, Samaritan Center, 1st Friday Supers, Forums, Church School, Music, Arts, Coffee Hour, post cards, Eucharist, Flower Guild, Altar Guild, Stewardship, Vestry, Choir, Priest, Servants, Memorial Garden, Legacy Society, All Saints, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter offerings, Living Will, Liturgy, Reason and Tradition, our parish community, and so much more--

Continue to name our assets at St. David's Episcopal Church in DeWitt. We have much to be thankful for and much work to do to rebuild us as we are meant to be.

And now with God's help, let us care for all our assets.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Stewards of the Light Bill?

     Stewardship is about ministry, not money. Or, Stewardship isn't about the money. I have heard this said many times and although I understand the statement to be true, it often deflates those who are looking at a balance sheet that does not balance or a pile of bills without sufficient funds or too little too late. 

     It is about reaching out to others and making a difference. Doing for other human beings is part of our relationship with Christ and a plan for our future. 

     Forgiving ourselves and each other is also part of Stewardship. Funny though that forgiveness is part of Stewardship too. It is another act of caring for ourselves and for each other. Breaking bread on Sundays is forgiveness and an act to remind us of the greater forgiveness given to us.