Thursday, December 13, 2012

The marks of a generous parish

A quick update on stewardship reveals a difference between what we say we are going to give to St. David’s, and what we end up giving. For example, in 2012, 63 pledges totaled $156,000, but we were comfortable budgeting $191,000, in combined pledge and plate. That means two things: some of us gave more than we promised we would give, and others of us gave generously even without pledging.
Let’s look at those numbers this way: as of the first week in December, our combined pledge and plate income was $163,000. For 49 weeks in the year, what we gave averaged $3,326 a week. These totals do NOT include the extraordinary generosity of special offerings, such as the United Thank Offering, the fundraiser for the Garang family, what we do for the Samaritan Center, the Giving Tree, or the Springfield Gardens Food Pantry.

Those numbers also mean this: we budgeted, and still have, a deficit for 2012, meaning we will have to dip, once again, into the money set aside for clergy housing. It also means that, while those of us who do not pledge are very generous over the course of the year, it is helpful to know, at the start of the year, what we can count on from each other. As we fund our common mission – not just our own spiritual nurture but what we give away – we know we can do a better job if we can plan ahead. Some people do worry that they may not be able to complete the financial commitment they make to this parish. Our experience shows that even if the amount we promise is modest, it is always possible to add more. We each count on the prayerful commitment of all of us, as we do the work God is calling us to do in this place.

We asked 90 individuals and families to make a pledge this year; so far 51 have responded totaling $125,000 in commitments, including some pledges from people who have not been able to make that commitment before. The average pledge is $2,450. Pledges will be gratefully received at any time, and we hope you will be able to make a prayerful and thoughtful commitment, if you have not already. Thank you, for all you do, to make St. David’s a vital and vibrant place.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Report to the vestry on 2013 pledges received so far

This year, 89 letters were sent to families currently pledging, or who have given financially in some way during the past year.

In 2012, 64 individuals or families made a financial commitment to support St. David's Church. So far this year 46 new and returning pledges have come in.

The total for pledges in 2012 was $156,110; so far for 2013, the commitments total $110,574.

Of those 46 pledges, the average pledge is $2560; in 2012 it was $2439.

We also see an increase in the median pledge: for 2013, it is $1750; in 2012 it was $1500.

Pledges this year range from $250 to $13,000.

THANK YOU if you have made a pledge, and if you are considering a pledge. Your commitment, of any size, is a blessing to us all.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Keep reaching out to the world to give back what God has so graciously given us

Cherie Finkbeiner (center) was one of the chaperones
on the St. David's Youth pilgrimage to the
Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York.

By Cherie Finkbeiner

Four or five years ago I was watching Oprah -- yes, I said Oprah. The kids came home from school storming in to the house happy, educated for the day, and hungry. I heard,  “What’s there to eat mom?” I yelled, “look in the fridge, there are plenty of snacks and left overs”. As my kids proceeded to nourish their already well-nourished bodies I settled back in to catch the latest new thing I thought I would see on Oprah.

The show that day, instead of being about that latest, greatest fad, piece of electronics or pop idol, dealt with a newsman who went to Africa to film about the devastation of not having money for medicine, food, water and basic freedoms.  While he was in a village, he came upon people digging a hole and asked what it was for.  Through a translator he was told it was for the young 14-year-old girl lying on the ground, scarcely moving, big eyes open with flies all around her.  She was barely alive.  Her skin clearly was keeping her bones warm because there was not an ounce of fat on them and she had the look of one moving on to the next realm.

The reporter wanted the nurse to come give her a shot, some water and soup.  They said no, she was going to die within the half-hour.  He and his crew moved to the next town because he could not stay there to watch her die.  When they arrived back at the village, five hours later, the girl was still alive.  The reporter paid the doctors to give the girl one shot of vitamins, feed her some broth and water.  She rallied and when she was well enough he brought her and her siblings to the US.  She walked on stage, 24 years old having just graduated from college and beautiful.  I cried because I knew there is no way she should be alive except for divine intervention, the grace of God and a man who had compassion in his heart, he spoke up, he did something small.

So now you say, what does that story have to do with St. David’s stewardship? It is our calling to help feed and care for those who are in need; the members of St. David’s do it well.  We have many organizations that we give our time to help those who are hungry and starving.  We may not see people digging graves for people next to where they are dying, but we see countless people in the streets of Syracuse, at the Samaritan Center, the Rescue Mission, countless food pantry’s. Organizations like CROP Walk and on a smaller scale FM-JD Meals on Wheels help to alleviate that hunger.

Crop Walk, which we just finished participating in, not only helps to feed people in Africa and around the world, but also benefits organizations here in our own city.  St. David’s is known for its hospitality and I applaud the hospitality we show outside our doors. I am not only grateful to God for the food he sends to nourish me, my family and friends, but I am also aware of those who don’t enjoy the nourishment myself and others so easily receive. This year the girls raised over $200 dollars for CROP Walk and it was heartwarming to know that many of you helped them do it.  Watch out we’re shooting for $500 next year.

As I stated before, much of the money we raise here at Crop Walk stays here in Central New York.  One of the beneficiaries is FM-JD Meals on Wheels.  The Meals on Wheels organization plays a big part in making sure those who cannot get meals themselves are fed.  Most are elderly, but some are not.  Some can be people recovering from illness like one of our parishioners has or someone recovering from an accident.  The MOW’s drivers may be the only people our clients see for the day, so not only do we provide nourishment, but we also provide company and reassurance for family members.
The board of the JD-FM Meals on Wheels includes St. David's parishioners Cherie Finkbeiner (second from right)
and Bill Sheldon (fifth from left, in front)
Food, hospitality, friendship, a sense of belonging, a chance to help, that is what St. David’s has brought me.  We are small, but as with that young girl, it only took one person to reach out, speak out, say something.  Whether it is Communion, First Friday Dinner, Soul Friends, Coffee hour, our wonderful outreach to the community, St. David’s reaches out and touches many people in many ways.  I am grateful to be part of this community and as you have touched me, I try to reach out in those small ways to make a difference.  Your contributions to St. David’s will help us all to keep reaching out to the world to give back what has so graciously been given to us by God. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"...a very strong community"

A Message from Bol Garang

        Thanks to the community of St. David's for all you have done for my family. When I came here in 2000, I didn't have family or people I knew in Syracuse. St. David's sponsored me. I stayed with the community when I was single and after I got married. I want my family to stay with St. David's because it is a very strong community that cares about people. You have stood up for me for a long time, supporting me first and now my family.

        This is why I am bringing my mother here; to see the way I live with this community. When I was in Sudan, my father had a lot of cows. He supported other people from our tribe who came to our village from far away. When they came to my father, when we were very young, my father did the same thing you have done. You have stood up for me.

         I still worry about my mother. When I was young, my parents cared for me very much. When I grew up I realized how much they did for me. That is why I want my mother to come, to see how much I care for her. I want to show her the people of St. David's.

         The people in Sudan know that America is a better country. Sometimes when I talk to my people, they say it is better to have a good friend over here and maybe they can come to see how things are in South Sudan and can make the country better.  

Thank you, again.

I look forward to having my mother meet you as soon as she arrives.

Bol Garang