Thursday, December 13, 2012

The marks of a generous parish

A quick update on stewardship reveals a difference between what we say we are going to give to St. David’s, and what we end up giving. For example, in 2012, 63 pledges totaled $156,000, but we were comfortable budgeting $191,000, in combined pledge and plate. That means two things: some of us gave more than we promised we would give, and others of us gave generously even without pledging.
Let’s look at those numbers this way: as of the first week in December, our combined pledge and plate income was $163,000. For 49 weeks in the year, what we gave averaged $3,326 a week. These totals do NOT include the extraordinary generosity of special offerings, such as the United Thank Offering, the fundraiser for the Garang family, what we do for the Samaritan Center, the Giving Tree, or the Springfield Gardens Food Pantry.

Those numbers also mean this: we budgeted, and still have, a deficit for 2012, meaning we will have to dip, once again, into the money set aside for clergy housing. It also means that, while those of us who do not pledge are very generous over the course of the year, it is helpful to know, at the start of the year, what we can count on from each other. As we fund our common mission – not just our own spiritual nurture but what we give away – we know we can do a better job if we can plan ahead. Some people do worry that they may not be able to complete the financial commitment they make to this parish. Our experience shows that even if the amount we promise is modest, it is always possible to add more. We each count on the prayerful commitment of all of us, as we do the work God is calling us to do in this place.

We asked 90 individuals and families to make a pledge this year; so far 51 have responded totaling $125,000 in commitments, including some pledges from people who have not been able to make that commitment before. The average pledge is $2,450. Pledges will be gratefully received at any time, and we hope you will be able to make a prayerful and thoughtful commitment, if you have not already. Thank you, for all you do, to make St. David’s a vital and vibrant place.

1 comment:

  1. It scares me that we have to dip into clergy housing allowance. My fervent hope is that we can convert our gratitude for Jackie's ministry and our feelings for the community of St.David's into cold hard cash. In my view it is the responsibility of the laity to see that this happens.
