Someone has said that the unexamined life is one not lived. With that, I believe that Lent is a natural and evocative time to examine our own approach to life - to tell the truth to ourselves. In daring to do so, perhaps we risk becoming even more fully alive.
By taking time to slow down and to quiet the internal noise of demand and performance, we can dare to ponder some poignant questions: Why am I on the planet? How am I making a difference in the lives of others? When people encounter me, what do they experience in my humanity? Does an attitude of gratefulness rule my heart?
And what, in all of this, might speak of God?
Some of us find that within such ponderings we come to experience God in ways that are freer, deeper, and broader. We might even find ourselves falling in love with God, for the first time or once again, and with all of creation.....even you and me.
The Compass Institute
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